thanks for the help on my flash I can get back to work on it now anyways
Now on mobius
DJ:Ugh.......Whe-where am I?
Rafiell:So we're all here where ever here is.
DJ:Yeah except sonic and the others.
Lee:They can take care of them self.
Tera:Unlike you 2.
Rafiell and DJ:Very funny......
Eggman:Who's there?
Eggman:Shadow, Shadow Ncs what are you 2 doing here egging my base?
Shadow:*thinking*That's a good idea.......*thinking*
Ncs:Dr. Robotnic We've come to join your team.
Eggman:Like I trust you two!
Shadow:Dr. you don't trust your own creation and a creation made by your grandfather.
Shadow:Maybe we will egg your base-
Ncs:And steal your emeralds-
Shadow:And defeat sonic.
Eggman:Ok your in!
Shadow:*thinking*I should so egg his base anyways......*thinking*
Tails:Where am I?
Sonic:So your finally awake.
Amy:Yeah we're finally home.
Tails:What about DJ and the others from Zike?
-?-:Nah were still here mate.
Sonic:Who are you?
Dexter:M'name's Dexter the dingo-fox mate I'm the one who built DJ's jet shoes.
DJ:Hey isn't that-
Arbiter:Master chief I can't believe you got us lost again!
MC:It's not my fault.
DJ:Hey guys mind giving us a lift?
*MC Arbiter Tera Lee Rafiell and DJ are riding in a wart hog*
MC and Arbiter:WTF?
Tera:Who's that?
to be continued
shadowncs thanks for the help on this one
if you miss one here's a master link
if you want me to feature 1 or more of your fan characters just tell me their gender,their species, what they look like(if you have a picture that would be cool either that or I could draw him or her in paint and show it to you)tell me their aurora(hero neutral dark),a bit of a storyline (you know history,background,)their name, oh and tell me if you want them to be a one time only character or a recurring character,and if you want them to be in my music vids or a series I'm gonna make or both but if you do I kneed to know
if you want them to be in sonic's dimension,silver's dimension(future),or the dimension that my series mostly takes place in(note if you chose sonic's or silver's dimension they can still be in my series.If you've allready told me this stuff and you want them in just say so instead of typing all this again.