I'm sorry to say but there's most likely gonna be a slight unfix able syncing problem in sonic's photograph but not as bad as S.W.A.N. I promise(I hope..') and there might not be a fade to transition from the theater part to the frame I had up since liveswif is refusing to cooperate and refusing to recognize the freakin transform motion I put in then again maybe the alpha wasn't 100%
and on my next flash there will be a motion tween the only reason there's not one on any of mine yet is cuz liveswif's motion tween(called path motion on it for some reason) is difficult to use with out ruining the flash, for some reason big black lines keep running through it(that's one reason why I couldn't put those rings around silver's eyes in S.W.A.N.)
well I'm gonna go try to figure this out now
*edit*some people are trying to take down NG so if your intrested in helping go here
*edit*stupid fade out thing doesn't work any more..........
*edit*uh helping stop them^^'
here's a pic I drew