NCS: Aw, no more Chaos Spear...
Shadow: I have still 140 left... Wanna help me destroying the core of this ship?
NCS: Sure!
*They go into the core room*
NCS: Wait! The core would be destroye with even one Chaos Spear... Do you know a stronger attack which needs more Chaos Power?
Shadow: Yeah. It's *whisper*
NCS: Let's do this!
*note: Chaos Unleashing releases ALL your Chaos energy either as a beam or as an explosion (here it's a beam). So, if you have 140 fake Emeralds...*
*note2: Normally Chaos Unleashing only can be used in the Magician and Sorcerer NCS form... But maybe you can use it with 25+ Emeralds...*
to DJ: I said something LIKE this Eggman commands scene (but at least you didn't copy and paste^^)
and a great chapter!
there's that laugh again!
and yet ANOTHER cliffhanger!
woo! 1st comment!
PS, i'm always here if you need ME to help, well, on my page
ok I'll ask if I need help