Heres some stuff that you might not of known about the sonic series.......
*Sonic's name was originally gonna be Mr Needlemouse......
*In Sonic Underground, Sonic, Sonia, and Manic are all voiced by the same guy......
*Sonic's middle name is The.........
*In the Archie Sonic comics Super Sonic's evil, but in an alter net universe,(probably where Scourge lives for people who read the comics),Super Sonic's a hippie.........
*Sonic was born in some place called Christmas Island.........
*Sonic actually has a house,(I guess he likes sleeping on rocks though)....
*He has like 4 girlfriends and a wife.....
*In Sonic Underground Sonia and Manic are his brother and sister, but in the comics their his children,weird............
*He can turn into a werewolf............
*He actually dies in a game, but he's revived like 5 minuets later...........
*He says in Shadow the Hedgehog that he wouldn't be caught dead using a gun, but he uses his guitar as a gun in Sonic Underground..........
*He doesn't like to race............
*Sonic and Manic dress like Mario and Luigi..........
*Sonic and Manic dress like girls like 7 times.............
*Tails' name is a pun on Sonic's speed(Miles Prower,
miles per hour)............
*He fell in love with a plant..........
*He killed his girlfriend(yeah the plant)
*He is afraid of thunder..........
*Knuckles has a little brother called Knecapeon (Kneecaps/ Mace)..........
*He has a crush on Sonia.........
*He has a pet T-Rex named Chomps............
*He hates bright lights..........
*He is afraid of ghosts..............
*Amy's nickname is Rosy the Rascal..........
*She has a new boy friend apparently named Dexter......
*She only wore her Riders outfit once........
*In the comics she wishes on the Ring of Acorns, which makes her turn 12........
*She has a cousin named Rob O' the Hedge........
*Sega needs to give her glasses, seriously first Shadow now Silver geez...........
*Blaze is actually a princess not a queen.......
*Blaze is about as slow as knuckles when it comes to releasing something........
*Her shirt is actually a weird looking cape.......
*She's afraid of heights........
*Silver's hair do looks like marijuana.........
*He's probably related to Sonic and Amy or Shadow and Rouge, or maybe both..........
*He sounds exactly like Rock Lee in Zero Gravity........
*He sounds exactly like future Trunks any other time........
*He was originally gonna be a mink named Vince...........
*Shadow stole Sonic's wife in the comics..............
*He's Eggman's uncle...............
*He was created for world peace.....................
*He's not a robot..........
*He was abducted by aliens................
*He actually joined gun...................
*Just in case you haven't caught on yet, he didn't die in SA2.........
*Did you notice he was created by two guys, just saying........
*Marine is afraid of ghosts..........
*She doesn't know what a submarine or a hovercraft are.........
*She cant read her book on ship building......
*She also offers to read ancient text in Sky Babylon, but she can't and probably makes up the words(what I've never played the game).................
*Did you notice that in Sonic 06 Elise gets the blue emerald from Silver, who gets it from Eggman, who gets it from Sonic, who gets it from Elise who gets it from Silver, who gets it from Eggman, who gets it from Sonic, who gets it from Elise who gets it from Silver, who gets it from Eggman, who gets it from Sonic, who gets it from Elise(etc.......).......
*ALL of this is true, don't believe me, search for it yourself.
*If you have any I don't have let me know and I'll add um.
*Oh and if any one goes to narutofan100's or scullfase's account and sees their pictures just so you know I drew them^^.
*Btw the Amy having a boyfriend other than Sonic is probably not true, cuz the pic they got the story from is obliviously fake see for yourself:
I'm a Sonic fan but I didn't knew most of those
Many people wouldn't