Ok I know I said that I'd be done by now but I'm still trying to fix something and I can't work on the flash until it's fixed or something.Anyways after the 2 music videos and the star morons thing I was talking about before and maybe some other flashes I'm planning on making a series based off my comic series called R.A.D. comix(R.A.D. stands for Rafiell and DJ).It's a series made mostly of fan characters.So back to the question this may sound weird but,if you have a fan character(fan sonic character preferably)and you want me to feature him or her in my series just tell me what they look like(if you have a picture that would be cool either that or I could draw him or her in paint and show it to you)tell me their aurora(hero neutral dark) some of their personalty,a bit of a storyline you know history,background,their name of course, and post the info in the reply box space or pm it to me,I've already got narutofan100,scullfase,and some of my other friends to let me use theirs (I also helped create them,they told me what they look like and I drew them except one of my friends he drew his himself)btw if I use them it might be a while before they show up and I'll be sure to feature you in the credits and the description if I don't forget but I'll definitely feature you in the credits(p.s.)how bout' we all go to narutofan100's account and write a random reply on his post,don't worry I know him it's cool and it's fun to bug him^^anyways here's another random pic^^
press it you know you want to^^