Before I continue with my series and/or start rad comix there are a couple names I use that unless I explain them no one will know what the crap I'm talking about so here we go:
ELEMENTAL:An elemental is an extremely powerful character that when they are young can't control their powers or their powers become very weak.Elementals can be defined by specific differences like large back spines, having skin on their arms and stomach (like sonic) when nearly or no one else in their family does,sometimes having alter egos,and a element shaped birthmark on their hand(the element they are) and some are mixed elements.only requirement the birthmark on their hand I'll put a pic of the elements later(fire,water/ice,nature,psy,earth,
electric,void thats all unless I forgot something)and an elemental form(you can name it -insert element here--insert character's name here- but all mine are gonna be called elemental forms)
Known elementals:
Rafiell the hedgehog(has alter ego)
DJ the hedgehog(has alter ego)
Volt the echinda
Scorch the echinda
Metreo the echinda
J the hedgehog(has alter ego)(Reincarnation)
Reko the hedgehog(part alter ego)
Mat the raccoon
Lara the cat
Axe the hedgehog
Crank the echinda
elemental form traits:
a totally tricked out body
a long some what thin fox tail
their element shape appearing on their stomach
faded out eyes
(you do not have to go by this it's just this is the way all my elemental forms are gonna look like)
ELEMENT TRANSFORMERS:An element transformer is a extremely powerful character that has easy access to his/her powers and trans formations usually have wings but transformations are usually uncontrollable, and pure evil even if the character is a hero but some can go into a hero transform too sometimes, unless they are a half elemental transformer then transformations are usually good but less powerful.Element transformers can be defined by a dragon shaped birthmark on their stomach.Chaos spirit ryu and demon ryu are the only full ones that are fully controlled.only requirement the birthmark on their stomach but they can have something covering it
Known elemental transformers:
Lee the hedgehog(full uncontroled)
Swift the volosaraptor/dragon(half)
Chaos Spirit Ryu(full controlled)
Demon Ryu(full controlled)
Boltz the echinda(full uncontrolled)
Simon the rabbit
All element transformers have one major transformed form(called transformed form again you don't have to use this it's just all my narutofan100's and scullfase's characters will)with these traits:
tricked out body
wings faded out eyes
a look similar to bakugan(neji's eye thing)
(You do not have to use the first one but the others are required)
Well that's it for now note if ya want your character to be one of these lemme know I'll start posting some pics so you know what I'm talking about
Here are some of DJ's forms in order(most characters on zike-name of the planet- use pure energy to transform and can not use chaos emeralds but those that can are considered very strong and skilled)
hyper shade(evil)
darkness(only after adsorbing crystal of darkness)(evil)
elemental(special circumstances)
axe is elamental its lightning and BTW i made in my post all axe's super forms
ok axe can be an elemental and I'll check it out