well I have to go to freakin school tomorrow and again we're not doing anything and friday's our last day(FINALLY!!!)so I'm gonna get back to work on my flash oh and just so you know S.W.A.N. wasn't actually the first flash I made it's just the first one that was good enough to be submitted my first one was actually on flash 8 and was simply tails flying and crashing into a tree(Really crappy barely any animation) and before you ask why I use liveswif instead of flash 8 keep in mind that the flash 8 was at school and I had to figure out how to use it myself sure I used a couple tuts on here but no one else in my class was useing flash and the teacher doesn't even know how to use flash so I was pretty much on my own anyways if you want to do something interesting click here
You shall not trick me. I clicked the link a few weeks ago and I memorized the website so I won't click the link again. Hahahaha.
yeah so did I