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............Feel the burn.............. The InfernoWolfSpirit, Call me Sky or DJ

Sky @djdragondude

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sonic unleashed 6

Posted by djdragondude - June 17th, 2008

yes I know it's been awhile since I've done this but it's kinda hard to find info about a game that isn't even out yet so here's some more info I found


* No New Characters have been announced up to this point (except for Werehog).
* Silver will not be making an appearance in Sonic Unleashed. (Play Magazine)
* Tails and Knuckles have both been confirmed to appear in Sonic Unleashed. New characters will be kept to a minimum. (UK Official Playstation Magazine)
* Amy is also confirmed to appear in Sonic Unleashed. (Official Nintendo Magazine)
* By day Sonic will be the blue hedgehog we all know and love but, when the sun sets, he turns into a werehog with claws and fangs. This does make a difference to the gameplay as the werehog is slower but stronger, meaning he can swing around levels, move obstacles and hurl enemies around. (Official Nintendo Magazine)
* Dr. Eggman (they didn't use "Robotnik") will make an appearance in Sonic Unleashed. (Official Announcement from Sega)
* You will "be able to play as a character other than Sonic, although the focus of the game will definitely be on the Hedgehog". (IGN from SEGA Gamer's Day)
* Super Sonic is seen in this screenshot from Sonic Unleashed, but it is unknown if he will be playable, or when he will make his appearance.
* Dr. Eggman will wake a "slumbering beast" from the center of the world which will break the world into 7 pieces. It is believed that this beast may be one of the final adversaries in the game, and could very well be this dragon creature (not confirmed).


* According to Yoshihisa Hashimoto, gameplay is split up between 2D and 3D about half and half throughout the game. (Play Magazine)
* Official Sonic Unleashed Teaser Trailer features some Sonic Unleashed Gameplay footage.
* There will be multiple branching pathways throughout levels, giving players different choices of directions. (Sonic Unleashed Fact Sheet)
* All levels are to be based off Real World Locations. The firsy Daylight level will be Mykonos, Greece. Europe is confirmed to be the 4th level. Speculation has gone rampant as to other world locations, but many agree that there will be an Africa or Australia stage as well. (Interview with SoA Team Producer)
* There is no multiplayer. (Sega's Gamers Day)
* Sonic Unleashed will be released on the Xbox 360, Wii, Playstation 2 & 3.
* The Wii and Playstation 2 version of Sonic Unleashed is being partly developed by Dimps, and will not be using the new Hedgehog Engine which will power the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions. Sonic Unleashed will be "changed, tuned, and balanced for the Wii". (Nintendo Power Magazine)
* The Game is called Sonic Unleashed. Not Sonic World Adventure, or Sonic Adventure 3. (Sega City Blognik)
* Sonic will have two forms in Sonic Unleashed. At times he will transform into a Werehog. Sega released a teaser trailer for Sonic's new Werehog form.
* Werehog Sonic will introduce an array of new gameplay mechanics. He is bigger, stronger, and will play differently than normal Sonic. He can "toss enemies around like nobodies business". (Official Nintendo Magazine)
* There will be daytime and night time levels in Sonic Unleashed. It is highly believed that during night, Sonic will transform into his new Werehog form. This is suggested on the official website for Sonic Unleashed: "Both day and night play different, yet important, roles in Sonic's newest quest... as the sun sets, an intriguing adventure awakens".
* Throughout the game, as Sonic gains experience, he will be able to learn new abilities as in previous titles. (Interview with SoA Team Producer)
* Ring energy is filled by collecting rings, but the rate at which you collect rings also plays a role in how fast the meter is filled. Using ring energy will allow Sonic to "engage another new mechanic called Sonic Boost", which will essentially send Sonic soaring at speeds up to 300mph. (Interview with SoA Team Producer)
* The game features an overworld with villages and side quests. If you'd rather just zip through traditional levels, you can ignore the overworld altogether, but it'll be there for those who want it. (Sega Gamer's Day)
* Several of Sonic's abilities have been revealed.
* "The Story of Sonic Unleashed is unrelated to the story told in Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3). Sonic Unleashed is a completely new game with an entirely new storyline and unrelated to Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3)." (Play Magazine)
* The team has been working for the past 3 years on the Hedgehog Engine, which is being used to power both the Xbox 360 & Playstation 3 versions of the game, while developers will be working hard to develop visuals that mimic the engine on the Nintendo Wii. (Play Magazine)"
-http://www.campsonic.com/sonic-unleas hed-the-facts-unleashed

and they say it's coming out November 4th but that hasn't been confirmed yet


"Sonic the Hedgehog is on an adventure unlike any other! When Dr. Eggman unleashed a slumbering beast from the center of the Earth, there is a devastating tremor that splinters the world into many continents. Sonic must race to restore the planet in chaos, but an unusual situation challenges him in never-before-seen ways. Both day and night play different, yet important, roles in Sonic's newest quest... as the sun sets, an intriguing adventure awakens!"
-http://www2.sega.com/gamesite/sonicun leashed/us/gameinfo.php

anyways here's some pics I found

sonic unleashed 6



thanks it took me forever to find that stuff

cool info!


wats sonic unleashed

a game that's gonna come out sometime in november


btw i updated on theme songs on my page

thanks and cool


it's for ps2 ps3 360 and wii

When will you make the next episode of your comics? I WANT EVERYONE TO SEE PATSTER'S ALTER EGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you still haven't answered any of my questions

What questions?

well most of them can wait but for my comic thing you said patster's alter ego was you and I can't draw you but I can atemt to draw you but it'll probably be extreamly crappy

I have learned a while back ago how to draw characters as humans for a small thing I'm gonna do later

