View Profile djdragondude
............Feel the burn.............. The InfernoWolfSpirit, Call me Sky or DJ

Sky @djdragondude

Age 29, Female

soon to be gutarist

Flippin middle school


Joined on 5/9/07

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rad sx 76

Posted by djdragondude - June 26th, 2008

yes more new guys- -'

*dj goes flying and lands near rafiell and the others*
Axe:Whoa man what hapened to you?
DJ:It isn't right it just isn't right........................
Rafiell:1000 years of death?
DJ:Yeah that's what he yelled....
Rafiell,Sparks,and Darkness:HAHAHAHAHAHAHOLOLOLOLOLROTFLO LHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DJ:Not funny..............
DJ:Who was it?
DJ:C'mon guys well all I know is he was reading a book................
*Every one looks at Ncs*
Ncs:Hey I din't do it!
DJ:Nah he was a human.
Sparks and Darkness:Heh.........
-?-:There he is!
DJ:Not you again!
DJ:Wait a minuet that's Kakashi!
*Rafiell,Sparks,and Darkness fall on the ground laughing*
DJ:Not funny.....................
*they go back to chri-er sora's house*
*Sonic lands on the ground and turns back to normal*
Sonic:Uh guys uh where'd ya go?
*Meanwhile after sonic got back*
*Shadow's standing out side*
*Some one sneaks behind shadow and hits him up side the head with a piece of salimi*
*passes out*
Eggman:*Stupid eggman laugh*
Eggman:Now metal sonic take him back to the base and put him in a tube!

to be continued
if you miss one here's a master link

if you want me to feature 1 or more of your fan characters just tell me and I'll pm you some questions

here's the pic I was too lazy to shade and ink it

rad sx 76


Chri-er Sora's house? I thought, they were on Mobius, not on earth...
great chapter!
(Is NCS the only one here who reads books?)

They are chri's house is on earth for some reason sora's is on mobius
other people who read books
DJ-comic books
Rafiell-regular books and dj's comics
kakashi-his pervy book

heck I havesome characters that are librarians but their not boring

good to know, that Rafiell also reads regular books.^^

yeah but mostly when he was younger(around 3)then he stoped for about 14 years and started again in season 3(and yes there is a reason for that)

Let me guess: you won't tell us the reason now.

I'll tell reason if ya want to know it I just didn't want to bore any one with the details

I can wait till the reason appears in your story (IF it appears).

it's not gonna appere my story has a different story line than my series(comic/flash) I was writeing a back story thing but it was kinda weird because the main characters were 1 and 3 years old I could just tell you or I could continue the back story thing

Well, it would be enough if you tell me the reason.

the reason why rafiell stoped reading regular books for about 14 years:
there are these "gangs" that hate elementals because they are scared of them or they don't want any one to be stronger than them or both

rafiell and dj are both elementals and were tourchered by a gang called "the gang" (the members are cole,zorro,and zig) and were pushed so far that rafiell had to try to convince his parents to let him and dj travle to a place called "the hidden valley"so they could get stronger and not be killed by the gang

some how it worked and rafiell and dj( dj was 1 and rafiell was 3)and through many obsicals and dj almost dying from pnomonia they ended up in the hidden valley and since they passed out during the last part of their journy they had no idea how to get home and stayed there for 14 years(bringing rafiell and dj to their current ages of dj-15 and rafiell-17)

that's just a summery of what happened but it pretty much says it all in a nutshell exept the details of what happened a short time after they arived(a few months to a few years)

I had no help think ing of all this- -'

Those both had a hard life.
Thanks for the information.

yeah I know they would be dead if it wasn't for scorch(sperit form) dave flame ice and blade
and no prob

cool chapter


omg cliffhanger! (lol, metal sonic is always depicted as the slave of eggman until he has enough of it and starts to take over, oops, did i just give out the end?)

sorta but who hasn't played sonic hereos seriosly crap I shouldn't of said that^^'

i made a new character
more info on my post

k I'll check it out

