View Profile djdragondude
............Feel the burn.............. The InfernoWolfSpirit, Call me Sky or DJ

Sky @djdragondude

Age 29, Female

soon to be gutarist

Flippin middle school


Joined on 5/9/07

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a question about my series

Posted by djdragondude - July 14th, 2008

I would like to point out I am not trying to rip off anyone with my series I've been working on it for years(since 2005)and I signed up here in 2007

after I submit the preview/intro(pretty much the only thing that makes it a preview are the words at the end coming soon I rather not explain now)there's gonna be a 4 part(more if some are over 10MB) and it pretty much only explains some of scorch's life and the great battle and I was wondering should I make it longer to help explain a few more things(how rafiell and dj ended up in the hidden valley,why their enemies with volt,hoe dave died,why volt's a villein,how j met reko,and how lee figured out he was an element transformer) just so my series makes a little more sence
what do you think?
if I decide to extend this series some of your characters can be in it if ya want just ask but there's a few requirements
*if you wanted your character on zike they must be younger for just this mini series they'll change back in the main one
*if you wanted them elsewhere tell me if you want them to be younger or not

(the time line difference changes depending on the ep you'll have to ask about which one you wanna be in if any)
btw I changed the great battle from being 5,000,000,000 years ago to 150 years ago cuz the year 3150 sounds cooler than the year 5,000,002,008
oh and one more thing in my series sonic's dimension is in the year 2009

and I still need the season you want them in and what episode(pm me for talking about the ep)

season 1
patster the hedgehog-power up
sparks the yoshi-things aren't allways what they seem
boltz the echinda-rafiell's fall
mikey the hedgehog-new allies
leo the hedgehog-new allies
harley the chimilon-new allies
axe the hedgehog-new allies
shift the hedgehog-the true power of lightning
bolts the pikachu-power up
season 2
psyhe the fox-the ultement battle
darkness the hedgehog-sibling rivalries 3
emerald the hedgehog-dj's rampage
shadow ncs the hedgehog-the ultement battle
fm16 the hedgehog-taking control
turbo the hedgehog-taking control
flames the hedgehog-sibling rivleries 3
killa the hedgehog-sibling rivleries 3
julia the hedgehog-an unexpected savior
season 3
simon the rabbit-the unsettling truth
bob the stick figure with a gun and a red bull-the unsettling truth
crank the echinda-3d ep
megan the echinda-sibling rivleries 6:takeing it to far
giz the hedgehog-sibling rivleries 6:takeing it to far
sandra the hedgehog-trapped in the molten caverns
rocky the hedgehog-secret unveiled
beta squadron II the wolf-secret unveiled
spikes the wolf-the unsettling truth
stinger the echinda-beginning of a trilogy return of the electric quad+1

here's the pic from my last post again
for better quality and the ver. with words go here(http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs31/f /2008/195/8/6/my_new_ID_by_djdragondud e.png)

*edit*I am not taking any requests for a while I'm overwhelmed with stuff I have to work on sorry

*edit*if any one's wondering this is a hand drawn flash series

*edit again*YES! I finally finished my sprite sheet!^^ now I can get back to work on my flash^^...............well........ tomorrow........I'm not gonna get anything done tonight^^'

*edit*if you want to get an idea of what the "flash back" series is gonna be like(and why I didn't want to start it) go here(I'm not making a flash outta that one it's way to weird the other ones are a little less weird............I hope)

a question about my series



it's like a mini series like I said a "flashback" series
hmmm I guess it could be season 0

Can you add death and hellfire in your banner?

sure but it might be a while

that looks like a pretty good series. is there only going to be three seasons?

no but if I start planning the 4th I won't want to work on the 3rd and there's gonna be a remixed mini series between 3 and 4

i see. i'm the same way with my band's albums.

hmmm interesting

you should add skylar to ur series

(gotta question, i've for some wierd unfathomble, out of the blue reason i've got an urge to draw, mind if i draw skylar on paper then send u the photo? )

I've been thinking about doing something like that for a while........

sure go ahead

I would add the flashback series in any case!

NCS: Hehe, the ultimate lifeform's first appearence is while the ultimate battle! That fits!
Me: You're only a clone of the ultimate lifeform! Besides you're not even a real clone of it!
NCS: Pfft!

I know I should but it's like a sad series and it's kinda weird making a series with the main characters being usually under 6 years old I just don't know how well that could work out


I've uploaded a preview of issue 100 on my homepage.


cool pic one of your best ^^


awsome work skylar i cant wait 4 it
