View Profile djdragondude
............Feel the burn.............. The InfernoWolfSpirit, Call me Sky or DJ

Sky @djdragondude

Age 29, Female

soon to be gutarist

Flippin middle school


Joined on 5/9/07

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djdragondude's News

Posted by djdragondude - June 18th, 2008

ok so I don't really have much planed on this so this is pretty much at random(more than my other stuff because I make that up at random too^^)so uh here it goes(Hiraikotsu is pronounced hirikotz and kirara is pronounced kilala)

kirara's owner found

DJ:Is that?
-?-:Darn my Hiraikotsu should of destroyed it!
Rafiell:Hey aren't you-
Sango:Sango the demon slayer.
Darkness and Jason:....................
Patster:Heh might as well try this move!
*Patster swiches out*
Patrick:FIRE JAB!!!!!!!!!
Dragon meterex:AAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
-?-:CHAOS SPEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dragon meterex:AAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
DJ:Ok ANOTHER new guy........
DJ:So who are you?
Fm16:I'm flashman16 but you can call me Fm16.
DJ:What about flashy?
DJ:Uh heh heh Fm16 it is heh heh*backs away slowly*
*Patster swiches back*
Rafiell:So patster what's up with transforming into a human?
Patster:He's my alter ego.
DJ:Hey raf and some other people turn into hu-
Rafiell:No one is supost to know about that yet!
DJ:Sorry geez...........
Sango:So if I was teleported here and Kirara and Kuroro then inuyasha and the others should of been teleported here to and probably some demons including naraku.
DJ:Doubt it eggman and the meterex are the main enemy here.
MC:Not even the covenent crap there goes my sunday...........
Bouken:I've got a new message from eggman er I mean dark oak this time.
Dark oak:Sonic and others I have captured sora and cosmo-
Sora:No you havent I'm right here-
*Red pine comes up and grabs sora and flies off*
Dark oak:As I was saying I will kill them if you don't come here and give me all the chaos emeralds!
*End transmition*
*Bouken flies of*
DJ:I'm gonna get rid of this tv before it blows up again!
*Picks up the tv and starts walking*

to be continued
if you miss one here's a master link

if you want me to feature 1 or more of your fan characters just tell me and I'll pm you some questions

here's patrick sorry if it's crappy I drew the pic the best I could:

rad sx 65

Posted by djdragondude - June 18th, 2008

I finally found another file of photograph that's 3.6MB(that'll make it 6.59MB instead of 8.46MB^^) and the best part is it's exactly the same as my other file I wonder why there's a size difference..................oh and for my next comic thing I'll start working on it after I get done with messing around with the songs

Posted by djdragondude - June 18th, 2008

ok I think I figured out the problem,I need a new sound file or something because when I took off the song it went from 8.46 to 3.11MB(the song is 5.37MB) I just hope that if I find a smaller file size of the song it isn't totally different so hopefully I can work something out

Posted by djdragondude - June 18th, 2008

well I'm not even done with my flash and it's already 8.46 MB and I'm kinda worried considering ng's 10MB limit so if it's over 10MB I'll put it on another site and try to fix the size because if I email it I doubt it'll be get accepted- -' so I'll get back to work on it and if you have any suggestions on how to lower the file size please let me know

Posted by djdragondude - June 17th, 2008

yes I know it's been awhile since I've done this but it's kinda hard to find info about a game that isn't even out yet so here's some more info I found


* No New Characters have been announced up to this point (except for Werehog).
* Silver will not be making an appearance in Sonic Unleashed. (Play Magazine)
* Tails and Knuckles have both been confirmed to appear in Sonic Unleashed. New characters will be kept to a minimum. (UK Official Playstation Magazine)
* Amy is also confirmed to appear in Sonic Unleashed. (Official Nintendo Magazine)
* By day Sonic will be the blue hedgehog we all know and love but, when the sun sets, he turns into a werehog with claws and fangs. This does make a difference to the gameplay as the werehog is slower but stronger, meaning he can swing around levels, move obstacles and hurl enemies around. (Official Nintendo Magazine)
* Dr. Eggman (they didn't use "Robotnik") will make an appearance in Sonic Unleashed. (Official Announcement from Sega)
* You will "be able to play as a character other than Sonic, although the focus of the game will definitely be on the Hedgehog". (IGN from SEGA Gamer's Day)
* Super Sonic is seen in this screenshot from Sonic Unleashed, but it is unknown if he will be playable, or when he will make his appearance.
* Dr. Eggman will wake a "slumbering beast" from the center of the world which will break the world into 7 pieces. It is believed that this beast may be one of the final adversaries in the game, and could very well be this dragon creature (not confirmed).


* According to Yoshihisa Hashimoto, gameplay is split up between 2D and 3D about half and half throughout the game. (Play Magazine)
* Official Sonic Unleashed Teaser Trailer features some Sonic Unleashed Gameplay footage.
* There will be multiple branching pathways throughout levels, giving players different choices of directions. (Sonic Unleashed Fact Sheet)
* All levels are to be based off Real World Locations. The firsy Daylight level will be Mykonos, Greece. Europe is confirmed to be the 4th level. Speculation has gone rampant as to other world locations, but many agree that there will be an Africa or Australia stage as well. (Interview with SoA Team Producer)
* There is no multiplayer. (Sega's Gamers Day)
* Sonic Unleashed will be released on the Xbox 360, Wii, Playstation 2 & 3.
* The Wii and Playstation 2 version of Sonic Unleashed is being partly developed by Dimps, and will not be using the new Hedgehog Engine which will power the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions. Sonic Unleashed will be "changed, tuned, and balanced for the Wii". (Nintendo Power Magazine)
* The Game is called Sonic Unleashed. Not Sonic World Adventure, or Sonic Adventure 3. (Sega City Blognik)
* Sonic will have two forms in Sonic Unleashed. At times he will transform into a Werehog. Sega released a teaser trailer for Sonic's new Werehog form.
* Werehog Sonic will introduce an array of new gameplay mechanics. He is bigger, stronger, and will play differently than normal Sonic. He can "toss enemies around like nobodies business". (Official Nintendo Magazine)
* There will be daytime and night time levels in Sonic Unleashed. It is highly believed that during night, Sonic will transform into his new Werehog form. This is suggested on the official website for Sonic Unleashed: "Both day and night play different, yet important, roles in Sonic's newest quest... as the sun sets, an intriguing adventure awakens".
* Throughout the game, as Sonic gains experience, he will be able to learn new abilities as in previous titles. (Interview with SoA Team Producer)
* Ring energy is filled by collecting rings, but the rate at which you collect rings also plays a role in how fast the meter is filled. Using ring energy will allow Sonic to "engage another new mechanic called Sonic Boost", which will essentially send Sonic soaring at speeds up to 300mph. (Interview with SoA Team Producer)
* The game features an overworld with villages and side quests. If you'd rather just zip through traditional levels, you can ignore the overworld altogether, but it'll be there for those who want it. (Sega Gamer's Day)
* Several of Sonic's abilities have been revealed.
* "The Story of Sonic Unleashed is unrelated to the story told in Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3). Sonic Unleashed is a completely new game with an entirely new storyline and unrelated to Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3)." (Play Magazine)
* The team has been working for the past 3 years on the Hedgehog Engine, which is being used to power both the Xbox 360 & Playstation 3 versions of the game, while developers will be working hard to develop visuals that mimic the engine on the Nintendo Wii. (Play Magazine)"
-http://www.campsonic.com/sonic-unleas hed-the-facts-unleashed

and they say it's coming out November 4th but that hasn't been confirmed yet


"Sonic the Hedgehog is on an adventure unlike any other! When Dr. Eggman unleashed a slumbering beast from the center of the Earth, there is a devastating tremor that splinters the world into many continents. Sonic must race to restore the planet in chaos, but an unusual situation challenges him in never-before-seen ways. Both day and night play different, yet important, roles in Sonic's newest quest... as the sun sets, an intriguing adventure awakens!"
-http://www2.sega.com/gamesite/sonicun leashed/us/gameinfo.php

anyways here's some pics I found

sonic unleashed 6

Posted by djdragondude - June 16th, 2008

I have to check and see if I drew everyone right again so did

here's list of characters in order because you probably don't know half of um
patster the hedgehog
mikey the hedgehog
leo the hedgehog
harley the chimilon
simon the rabbit
spikes the wolf
killa the hedgehog
vamp the wolf
(you know who sonic and tikal are)


Posted by djdragondude - June 15th, 2008

thanks for the help guys now I can get back to work^^
so until I finish enjoy the pic^^

thanks for the help^^

Posted by djdragondude - June 15th, 2008

I'm kinda stumped on the part where it says "Kim's the first girl I kissed I was so nervous that I nearly missed She's had a couple of kids since then I haven't seen her since god knows when" I'd really apresshiate it if you'd helped, I was thinking about using princess sally acorn for kim but if you know a better idea could you tell me, if you help I'll credit you,I'm still accepting characters(it doesn't have to be a fan sonic character as long as I can draw him/her) if you want me to put one or more in tell me don't worry I'll also credit you,so can you please help again(I just need help on that part)

Posted by djdragondude - June 15th, 2008

ALTER EGOS:An alter ego is someone who helps an elemental in a life threatening situation.they also switch out with the main person and can (if they have enough energy)completely separate from the main person.alter egos look alot like the main person(don't believe me look at any show(except hikaru no go) that has alter egos and compare them to their main person)

people with alter egos:
J(Reko(1/2 alter ego))

SEASON:Ok for those of you who wanted your characters in my series I need you to tell me if you want them to make their fist apperence in the 1st 2nd or 3d season,yes I'm letting you choose and if I were you I wouldn't chose the firs season cuz it's my worst season 2 and 3(3's the best)are better,here's a list of who wanted to first appear in what season

season 1
patster the hedgehog
sparks the yoshi
boltz the echinda
mikey the hedgehog
leo the hedgehog
harley the chimilon
axe the hedgehog
shift the hedgehog
season 2
psyhe the fox
darkness the hedgehog
emerald the hedgehog
shadow ncs the hedgehog
fm16 the hedgehog
season 3
simon the rabbit
bob the chao(I think)
crank the echinda
megan the echinda
giz the hedgehog

and if you wanted your character in the first or second season and if you wanted your character to live on zike you have to chose one place(unless they're a traveler)for them to live or something(these locations were thought of before I talked to anybody on ng so sorry if they sound kinda weird)

SPECIAL LOCATIONS:There are 4 main locations in series 1 ad 2 which are:

THE HIDDEN VALLEY:place most people run off to.place where the crystals are.a couple interesting locations:

the elemental forest
the mystic mountains
the forest of darkness
the mystic lake
ancient islands>not featured in anything except flashbacks<

THE VALLEY OF DARKNESS:A place populated mostly by demons and other monsters but some people live there(jason,chad,wolf,so,me other people)

SPIRIT VALLEY:A place where it is said that the dead can live amongst the living.

VALLEY OF FIRE:A place that has alot of mountains and is said that chaos spirit ryu and demon ryu lived there.

CLAW BEARERS: Claw bearers are well characters with poisonous claws that have 2 types of poisons a lethal one and a weakening one the lethal one if struck by it the victim's fur will turn white and skin will turn blue,the other type is like a weakening one which well weakens someone,there is only one person who has full control over the 2,Energized, Rafiell's alter ego,some people the lethal poison has less effect on(won't kill them but does turn their fur white and skin blue-not permanently-)direct relatives(parents brothers sisters),other claw bearers,and any one with the label ultimate life form.

Known claw bearers:
Energized the hedgehog(Both dark and regular)
Reko the hedgehog
Seth the hedgehog

you can have your character be a claw bearer but you can do whatever you want in your series but in my series their not gonna revile it(or be aware of it if you want)till near the end of series 3.(I did not copy the claw thing from sega-were sonic-I got the idea from jack 2 and 3 dark jack and the poison claw thing from inuyasha-sesshomaru-)

The Crystals of life are sorta like Zike's version of the Chaos emeralds(they don't react like the sol emeralds do)but most of the time they are attached to the ground unless they are in their crystal shard form(in that form they are about as big as a sacred jewel shard)and fully portable.

there are 8 crystals:

crystal of darkness
crystal of light
crystal of energy
crystal of healing
crystal of metamorphosis
crystal of elements
crystal of power
crystal of strength

(I'd just like to point out these crystals are old I pretty much thought of these while bored in 5th grade again old)These crystals are the "life" of Zike so if they get destroyed the whole planet goes.the crystals have 3 guardians(like knuckles and the master emerald)fire starter(flame) cold freeze(ice) electric charge(zap) and silver light(blade) who aren't actually natural or real whatever their actually a manifestation of the crystals energy and are separated but can fuse together to their true form which I'm not reviling till I put out my series they are referred to as element masters.

ELEMENTAL:An elemental is an extremely powerful character that when they are young can't control their powers or their powers become very weak.Elementals can be defined by specific differences like large back spines, having skin on their arms and stomach (like sonic) when nearly or no one else in their family does,sometimes having alter egos,and a element shaped birthmark on their hand(the element they are) and some are mixed elements.only requirement the birthmark on their hand I'll put a pic of the elements later(fire,water/ice,nature,psy,earth,
electric,void(chaos) thats all unless I forgot something)and an elemental form(you can name it -insert element here--insert character's name here- but all mine are gonna be called elemental forms)

Known elementals:
Rafiell the hedgehog-fire
DJ the hedgehog-fire
Volt the echinda-electric/psy
Scorch the echinda-electric/psy
Metreo the echinda-electric/psy
J the hedgehog-psy
Reko the hedgehog-psy
Mat the raccoon-electric
Lara the cat-void
Axe the hedgehog-electric
Crank the echinda-earth
Darkness the hedgehog-fire/void
Psyhe the fox-psy
Patster the hedgehog-fire
Sparks the yoshi-nature

elemental form traits:
a totally tricked out body
a long some what thin fox tail
their element shape appearing on their stomach
faded out eyes
(you do not have to go by this it's just this is the way all my elemental forms are gonna look like)

ELEMENT TRANSFORMERS:An element transformer is a extremely powerful character that has easy access to his/her powers and trans formations usually have wings but transformations are usually uncontrollable, and pure evil even if the character is a hero but some can go into a hero transform too sometimes, unless they are a half elemental transformer then transformations are usually good but less powerful.Element transformers can be defined by a dragon shaped birthmark on their stomach.Chaos spirit ryu and demon ryu are the only full ones that are fully controlled.only requirement the birthmark on their stomach but they can have something covering it

Known elemental transformers:
Lee the hedgehog(full uncontroled)
Swift the volosaraptor/dragon(half)
Chaos Spirit Ryu(full controlled)
Demon Ryu(full controlled)
Boltz the echinda(full uncontrolled)
Simon the rabbit(full uncontroled)

All element transformers have one major transformed form(called transformed form again you don't have to use this it's just all my narutofan100's and scullfase's characters will)with these traits:
tricked out body
wings faded out eyes
a look similar to bakugan(neji's eye thing)
(You do not have to use the first one but the others are required so is a necklace with a small diamond shaped gem on it)

Posted by djdragondude - June 14th, 2008

Ok for those of you who wanted your characters in my series I need you to tell me if you want them to make their fist apperence in the 1st 2nd or 3d seson,yes I'm letting you choose and if I were you I wouldn't chose the firs season cuz it's my worst season 2 and 3(3's the best)are better,and if you wanted your character in the first or second season and if you wanted your character to live on zike you have to chose one place(unless they're a traveler)for them to live or something(these locations were thought of before I talked to anybody on ng so sorry if they sound kinda weird)

SPECIAL LOCATIONS:There are 4 main locations in series 1 ad 2 which are:

THE HIDDEN VALLEY:place most people run off to.place where the crystals are.a couple interesting locations:

the elemental forest
the mystic mountains
the forest of darkness
the mystic lake
ancient islands>not featured in anything except flashbacks<

THE VALLEY OF DARKNESS:A place populated mostly by demons and other monsters but some people live there(jason,chad,wolf,so,me other people)

SPIRIT VALLEY:A place where it is said that the dead can live amongst the living.

VALLEY OF FIRE:A place that has alot of mountains and is said that chaos spirit ryu and demon ryu lived there.

CLAW BEARERS: Claw bearers are well characters with poisonous claws that have 2 types of poisons a lethal one and a weakening one the lethal one if struck by it the victim's fur will turn white and skin will turn blue,the other type is like a weakening one which well weakens someone,there is only one person who has full control over the 2,Energized, Rafiell's alter ego,some people the lethal poison has less effect on(won't kill them but does turn their fur white and skin blue-not permanently-)direct relatives(parents brothers sisters),other claw bearers,and any one with the label ultimate life form.

Known claw bearers:
Energized the hedgehog(Both dark and regular)
Reko the hedgehog
Seth the hedgehog

you can have your character be a claw bearer but you can do whatever you want in your series but in my series their not gonna revile it(or be aware of it if you want)till near the end of series 3.(I did not copy the claw thing from sega-were sonic-I got the idea from jack 2 and 3 dark jack and the poison claw thing from inuyasha-sesshomaru-)

The Crystals of life are sorta like Zike's version of the Chaos emeralds(they don't react like the sol emeralds do)but most of the time they are attached to the ground unless they are in their crystal shard form(in that form they are about as big as a sacred jewel shard)and fully portable.

there are 8 crystals:

crystal of darkness
crystal of light
crystal of energy
crystal of healing
crystal of metamorphosis
crystal of elements
crystal of power
crystal of strength

(I'd just like to point out these crystals are old I pretty much thought of these while bored in 5th grade again old)These crystals are the "life" of Zike so if they get destroyed the whole planet goes.the crystals have 3 guardians(like knuckles and the master emerald)fire starter(flame) cold freeze(ice) electric charge(zap) and silver light(blade) who aren't actually natural or real whatever their actually a manifestation of the crystals energy and are separated but can fuse together to their true form which I'm not reviling till I put out my series they are referred to as element masters.

ELEMENTAL:An elemental is an extremely powerful character that when they are young can't control their powers or their powers become very weak.Elementals can be defined by specific differences like large back spines, having skin on their arms and stomach (like sonic) when nearly or no one else in their family does,sometimes having alter egos,and a element shaped birthmark on their hand(the element they are) and some are mixed elements.only requirement the birthmark on their hand I'll put a pic of the elements later(fire,water/ice,nature,psy,earth,
electric,void(chaos) thats all unless I forgot something)and an elemental form(you can name it -insert element here--insert character's name here- but all mine are gonna be called elemental forms)

Known elementals:
Rafiell the hedgehog(has alter ego)-fire
DJ the hedgehog(has alter ego)-fire
Volt the echinda-electric/psy
Scorch the echinda-electric/psy
Metreo the echinda-electric/psy
J the hedgehog(has alter ego)(Reincarnation)-psy
Reko the hedgehog(part alter ego)-psy
Mat the raccoon-electric
Lara the cat-void
Axe the hedgehog-electric
Crank the echinda-earth
Darkness the hedgehog-fire/void
Psyhe the fox-psy
Patster the hedgehog(has alter ego)-fire
Sparks the yoshi-nature

elemental form traits:
a totally tricked out body
a long some what thin fox tail
their element shape appearing on their stomach
faded out eyes
(you do not have to go by this it's just this is the way all my elemental forms are gonna look like)

ELEMENT TRANSFORMERS:An element transformer is a extremely powerful character that has easy access to his/her powers and trans formations usually have wings but transformations are usually uncontrollable, and pure evil even if the character is a hero but some can go into a hero transform too sometimes, unless they are a half elemental transformer then transformations are usually good but less powerful.Element transformers can be defined by a dragon shaped birthmark on their stomach.Chaos spirit ryu and demon ryu are the only full ones that are fully controlled.only requirement the birthmark on their stomach but they can have something covering it

Known elemental transformers:
Lee the hedgehog(full uncontroled)
Swift the volosaraptor/dragon(half)
Chaos Spirit Ryu(full controlled)
Demon Ryu(full controlled)
Boltz the echinda(full uncontrolled)
Simon the rabbit(full uncontroled)

All element transformers have one major transformed form(called transformed form again you don't have to use this it's just all my narutofan100's and scullfase's characters will)with these traits:
tricked out body
wings faded out eyes
a look similar to bakugan(neji's eye thing)
(You do not have to use the first one but the others are required so is a necklace with a small diamond shaped gem on it)

here's a list of who wanted to first appear in what season

season 1
patster the hedgehog
sparks the yoshi
boltz the echinda
mikey the hedgehog
leo the hedgehog
harley the chimilon
season 2
psyhe the fox
darkness the hedgehog
emerald the hedgehog
shadow ncs the hedgehog
season 3
simon the rabbit
bob the chao(I think)