Ok in case you didn't read my other post I'm making a series called R.A.D. comix(R.A.D. stands for Rafiell and DJ and the reason it's called R.A.D. comix is because the "script" for it is a series of comic books that maybe if I get a working usb cable for my scanner I can put a option on the menu of the flashes to view original comic or something) in a while made mostly of fan sonic characters,sonic characters,random characters (etc.....) and if you want me to feature 1 or more of your fan characters let me know.just tell me their gender,their species,personalty, what they look like(if you have a picture that would be cool either that or I could draw him or her in paint and show it to you)tell me their aurora(hero neutral dark) some of their personalty,a bit of a storyline you know history,background,their name of course, oh and tell me if you want them to be a one time only character or a recurring character,if you want them to be in sonic's dimension,silver's dimension(future),or the dimension that my series mostly takes place in(note if you chose sonic's or silver's dimension they can still be in my series,and post the info in the reply box space or pm it to me .so far:
darknessthehedgehog,and some people at my school said I can use their characters in my series,and narutofan100 , scullfase,
killerteddybear, and axe1133 said I can use their characters in my music vids.So if you want me to feature your fan characters in my series and/or my music vids let me know.btw if I use them it might be a while before they show up and I'll be sure to feature you in the credits and the description if I don't forget but I'll definitely feature you in the credits. If you change your mind about letting me put your character in my flashes let me know ok.Anyways just for the heck of it here's some stuff about my character DJ:
special status:elemental,has alter ego
time I thought of him:2005
Current relations:Rafiell(brother)Tera(sister)
Lee(cousin)Jain(mom)Bradley(dad)Pryo(a lter ego)
Current residence:The elemental forest(Zike)
transformations:super DJ, hyper DJ, semi hyper DJ, hyper shade DJ, darkness DJ,elemental DJ,Fire sole DJ
Back story:Too long just to put on one post